Phygital generation in free global communication

R. I. Mamina, I. I. Tolstikova


The article covers one of the important directions of analytical and prognostic studies of the development of digital society-generational themes. Among the factors that caused its actualization is the phenomenon of a new type of interaction associated with the digital environment, which unites the physical and virtual worlds, defined as phygital-interaction. Phygital interaction is considered from the standpoint of generational problems, the features of this type of interaction are revealed on the example of behavioral practices of the new generation-generation Z. In the conditions of phygital existence, the laws of the virtual world do not always agree with the laws of the real world. Accordingly, the system of value coordinates of the modern person, his reference points changes, hence the problem of interaction between different generations. First of all this is the problem of interaction with the new generation Z, whose representatives are significantly different from their predecessors, they are already lived in the phygital world and are best adapted to it. The article analyzes the values and commitments of phygital generation, identifies its communicative characteristics, as well as behavioral models that this generation brings with it into the world of everyday and business practices of modern society.

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