Dynamic Analysis of a Two-Link Coupled System

D.V. Afonin, A.S. Pechurin, S.F. Yatsun


The study presents a dynamic analysis of a two-link coupled system, using as an example a system of wheeled bodies: a towing body and a towed body connected by an elastic element.  Analysis of the dynamics of multi-link mechanical and moving systems is a complex and complex process that includes both interaction with a real object and with its mathematical or simulation model. Simulation modeling methods significantly reduce the time required to create models compared to traditional approaches and provide greater convenience when working on large projects.  A variety of modeling techniques have been applied, including numerical, simulation and simulation modeling. The dynamics of a two-link wheel system was simulated using special computer simulation programs. The simulation results were carefully analyzed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each of the presented approaches. In addition, issues related to the structure and control of the dynamically coupled system have been investigated. The findings can have a significant impact on the understanding and optimization of such systems in various applications including automotive, robotics, and many others.

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Abava  Кибербезопасность MoNeTec 2024

ISSN: 2307-8162